All chords chart
All chords chart

If this seems overwhelming at the moment, don’t worry! It’s a lot to memorize, practice, and perfect. Stuck in the Middle with You – Stealers Wheel (G7, A7).Have You Ever Seen The Rain – Creedence Clearwater Revival (Am7/G).Knocking on Heaven’s Door – Eric Clapton.Ain’t No Sunshine – Bill Withers (Em/G).Get all of these guitar chords down and you can play all of these songs! And if you want to challenge yourself, I’ve labeled some that include other chords/variations not covered in this article.

all chords chart

This is super helpful for learning what notes make up a triad!

  • The letters at the bottom of the chart, aligned with the strings, sometimes tell you what pitch you are playing.
  • A circle means you play the string open (not fretting that string), and an X means you don’t play the string at all.
  • The circles and X’s on the top of the chart represent whether or not you play a string.
  • (Your fingers always go in between the fret markers, never on top of them)
  • The black circles represent where you place your fingers.
  • The thicker black block at the top of the chart represents the nut of the guitar.
  • The space between each horizontal line is a fret.
  • The horizontal lines represent the fret markers.
  • (In between are the A, D, G, and B strings). The string on the far left is the low E and the string on the far right is the high E.

    all chords chart

    The vertical lines represent the guitar strings as if you were looking at the neck upright and head-on.


    Before you learn any chords, you’ll need to know how to read the chart. As you can see in the image above, the way we illustrate a guitar chord is by using a chord chart.

    All chords chart